Wednesday, June 23, 2010


As the school year closes (my last day is June 24th) so does my graduate course on integrating technology across the content areas. As always with a blog integrated course, I am required to reflect on the products and processes introduced in the past eight weeks. So now I tackle the last task before I can officially put the lime in the coconut.

My game plan started with a focus on building leadership skills and understanding assessments. Unfortunately, the timing of the class and the truncated schedule did not allow for my GAME plan to come to full fruition. Whether my goals were ripe or not, I was able to make some improvements in my assessment skills with minor improvements in my leadership abilities. The process was worthwhile for future practice while the requirements may have been frustrating at times due to the circumstances of my own district as budget cuts and new administration guidelines limited my options for implementation of my GAME plan.

I was able to learn more about the development of technology assessments as well as their uses in driving instruction and teaching evaluation. This will help in both the creation of new assessments and the execution of ones that have already been made and tested. Unfortunately, I was also able to learn that new administration often results in a loss of power and leadership roles for teachers for at least a short period of time. I hope that opportunities will be made available in the future, but I am stuck on that part of my GAME plan for right now.

I have already begun to plan for next year’s lessons in a more formatted approach that will allow me to prepare for the tests without losing classroom flexibility. Furthermore, I have started to design three technology integrated projects that I can use in various subjects. This will allow me to integrate technology into my lessons without losing focus on my content area.

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